Monday, November 24, 2008

So, What does a Realtor do Anyway?

One of the most important roles I find myself taking on during a real estate transaction is that of Friend. Buying or Selling a home is quite often one of the most exciting and stressful events in a person’s life. They are either scared to death or super excited. There is rarely an in-between.

In the best of times, the client is a first time homebuyer, starting out their life, looking forward to the future, but in the worst of times, the client is forced to sell due to a break-up or divorce. They are heartbroken and bewildered. It’s my job to take them by the hand and lead them through. I’ll listen patiently, offer support and lend a shoulder. If I had to name the most important quality a good Realtor could possess under these circumstances, it is empathy. And, friendship.

All the best- Dori